Barn Owlets
May 4, 2021 - My lifer Barn Owlets at their undisclosed nesting site. Fuzzy baby feathers and heart-shaped faces made these my cutest lifers to date!
![]() | Description | Other places that I don’t visit frequently, or places that I won’t identify in order to protect the wildlife that I’ve photographed. |
Photography Advice | Research your local hot spots. Get out and explore. You never know what you’ll find! |
When to Go | Year Round |
Species Photographed (33) | Bald Eagle, Barn Owl, Bonaparte's Gull, Bufflehead, Burrowing Owl, Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Meadowlark, Florida Scrub-Jay, Great Black-Backed Gull, Great Blue Heron, Great Horned Owl, Herring Gull, Hooded Merganser, Limpkin, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Mountain Bluebird, Muscovy Duck, Mute Swan, Red-Headed Woodpecker, Ring-Billed Gull, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, Ruddy Turnstone, Ruff, Sandhill Crane, Savannah Sparrow, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Snail Kite, Snow Bunting, Snowy Egret, Swallow-tailed Kite, Whooping Crane, Wood Duck, Yellow-breasted Chat |
Website | None |
eBird | None |
Google Map | None |
Trail Map | None |
May 4, 2021 - My lifer Barn Owlets at their undisclosed nesting site. Fuzzy baby feathers and heart-shaped faces made these my cutest lifers to date!
January 14, 2021 - My lifer photo of a Ruff, photographed in awful conditions, was enhanced by Topaz Sharpen AI software
January 7, 2021 - A drive through country backroads led me to a beautiful pair of Bald Eagles who posed briefly for my camera
February 27, 2020 - My first photography expedition to Sweetwater Wetlands Park, where I found the Yellow-breasted Chat and saw Buffleheads up close
February 18, 2020 - Special bird photography moment up close and personal with two Whooping Cranes
February 9, 2020 - A rare Mountain Bluebird visited FL in January 2020, posing for my camera as a nearby Eastern Bluebird wondered what the fuss was all about
December 25, 2017 - Some beautiful white Whooping Cranes make for a white Christmas in Florida
February 15, 2017 - My dad and I discovered Apple Snail Paradise and photographed Snail Kites
January 29, 2017 - My dad and I came across a small pond full of happy Hooded Mergansers while we were out scouting for a Common Goldeneye.
January 24, 2017 - My dad and I added Scissor-tailed Flycatcher to his life list. This Scissor-tailed Flycatcher is wintering at the Space Coast Regional Airport.
February 27, 2015 - I finally saw a male Bufflehead over Christmas break. His feathers glistened in the sunlight - what a cool bird!
February 19, 2015 - I thought Father Goose was unique on Lake Morton, but I found another goose in Orlando that has befriended a family of Muscovy ducklings :)
February 9, 2015 - I went to Daytona Beach Shores to see the thousands of gulls that roost there. Blurs were my favorite way to convey the sheer numbers...
February 6, 2015 - Rich and I headed to Daytona for birds and dinner. The Purple Sandpiper eluded us, but we did see some birds that weren't purple!
November 16, 2014 - My mom's hummingbird posed for me and my camera, striking a pose on a nice branch and cooperatively sitting on her favorite perch.
February 25, 2014 - After shooting at Viera Wetlands last weekend, my friend Michael took me to a new place, a Florida Scrub Jay trail. I don’t have a whole lot of experience photographing Scrub Jays. They are a threatened species, and their habitat is in decline. I’ve photographed them at the Scrub Jay Trail at Merritt Island National […]
December 10, 2013 - Rich’s folks visited this weekend, and we took them to Sea World. While I normally photograph wild animals, often inspired by my favorite cats and turtles, I’ve always had a fascination for dolphins and whales. My dad and I went to Sea World often when I was growing up, and I used to love the […]
August 26, 2013 - I visited Butterfly World in late May when my hubby Rich and I visited South Florida for a few days to photograph the Burrowing Owls. I’d been wanting to visit Butterfly World ever since seeing Jamie Felton’s incredible image of a butterfly landing on a hummingbird’s head. The place certainly didn’t disappoint. There were hundreds […]
August 9, 2013 - It’s been a crazy long week, so I’ll pull out some images from our trip to the beach in May. I sure wish I was there tonight! When Rich and I went to South Florida to visit the Burrowing Owls, we stopped at the Loggerhead Marinelife Center for Rich to get his turtle fix. That […]
June 18, 2013 - Every year in the summertime, the people on Birdbrains start talking about the kettles of Swallow-Tailed Kites on Powerline Road in Hernando County. Last year I really wanted to go and see them, but I didn’t. This year Dyeyo and I decided to drive out there to see what there was to see. We […]
May 27, 2013 - Rich and I just got back from a much-needed get-away over Memorial Day weekend. The change of pace was great! I estimate that I’m about 15 posts behind in my blog, so you won’t see details of our trip for a week or two. But here’s a teaser… One of the places we visited was […]
April 1, 2013 - I’ve had the privilege of watching several owl nests in the past few weeks, as I first indicating in my recent post about My First Trip to the Oakland Great Horned Owl Nest. I missed the really cute stage when the birds were tiny babies, and Mom tucked them under her tummy as she sat […]
March 31, 2013 - I’ve been very fortunate over the past week as I had the opportunity to observe a newborn Sandhill Crane baby at his nest. This nest is in Melbourne, about an hour and a half drive for me. My friends who live there notified me when the baby was born (thanks Bill and Mike!). Only a […]
March 14, 2013 - I was so excited when a friend shared the location of a Great Horned Owl nest – it’s practically in my backyard! I love to watch nests and see babies grow up, but most nests are far away. This one is close enough that I can check on it after work. (I’ve been asked not […]
December 8, 2012 - My in-laws are visiting this weekend, so Hubby and I took them to Kennedy Space Center yesterday. I got to photograph a different kind of garden – a rocket garden! The space center is now doing special tours of the launchpad and the Vehicle Assembly building (I guess because they are no longer in use […]
November 23, 2011 - I’ve been reading about the Long-Tailed Duck on Birdbrains, so Rich and I decided to drive over to Lake Davis to see if we could find it. Lake Davis is a small lake in the middle of a downtown Orlando neighborhood. It’s very close to Greenwood Cemetery, but I resisted the temptation to bore Rich […]
May 31, 2011 - We stopped by Lake Eola at sunset tonight to try some cityscape photography. My favorite parts are the swan silhouettes in the foreground! :)
December 20, 2010 - Dyeyo and I planned a bird-watching “safari” trip for today. Our first stop was the Palm Coast Waterfront Park where a tiny Snow Bunting has been hanging out for the last couple of weeks. This bird nests in the Arctic and migrates to the New England latitudes. Only about twenty have been documented as far […]
December 12, 2010 - A recent Birdbrain post indicated that there were about 20 Hooded Mergansers in a small pond outside a Perkins restaurant at the intersection of Conroy-Windermere Road and Apopka Vineland Road in Orlando. So Rich and I stopped there this morning after we dropped his folks off at the airport. There were no Hoodies this morning […]
August 27, 2008 - Happy Birthday, Rich! We went to the Georgia Aquarium to see turtles for Rich’s 29th b-day. Of course we had to check out the loggerhead sea turtle first. There was also an impressive beluga whale on exhibit. I had fun trying to get good pictures of some of the colorful fish swimming around in tanks. […]