Roseate Spoonbills at Stick Marsh Sunrise Solitude Loggerhead Sea Turtle Hatchling Emergence Hooded Oriole Least Tern Fish Exchange Playtime! (Sandhill Crane Colts) Ruby-throated Hummingbird Under my Wing Painted Bunting (Male) Suspended Animation Least Tern Feeding Babies Special Delivery Like Mother, Like Daughter Featherbed Black Skimmer Skimming Under my Wing (Snowy Plovers) Osprey with Fish American Goldfinch Male Roseate Spoonbill Nest Fulvous Whistling-duck in Flight Fish for Dinner Beach Bliss Will You Marry Me? Proud to be a Puffin! Male Wood Ducks in Flight Purple Gallinule Burrowing Owl Kiss Mobile Home Sunrise over Blue Cypress Lake Red-Shouldered Hawk Nest Wilson’s Plover on Eggs Nature’s Fireworks