Want to learn more about catandturtle photography? Ask a nature question? Learn more about cameras? I love to hear from readers of my website! Leave me a comment at the bottom of the page, or use the form below. I promise not to share your name or e-mail address.
NOTE: If you want to ask about nature photography locations, check out my Central Florida Bird Photography Locations page. I share freely about many public locations that are awesome for nature photography. However, to protect our feathered friends, I do not disclose nesting sites or locations for sensitive species.
I do not accept guest posts.

31 thoughts on “Contact catandturtle photography”
I LOVE your blog. My husband and I have gone birding in a number of the same locations, but your photographs are much better.
Hi Jessica,
It was a pleasure meeting you and your Dad this morning and thanks for leading the tour. We also enjoyed looking at your photos. Wish it were closer but we have some good photographic memories.
We went back down the trail after you left to find the rail and bittern (found both). As we turned back a large gator crossed the walkway from one side to the other reminding us we are on their turf.
Best wishes
Claire and Brian
loved all your photos. I work at a wildlife sancturay, busch wildlife in jupiter, fl and was looking up blue eggs that someone brought in…and found your site…beautiful photos. thanks for sharing, I love seeing animals from other places…
Found out from Jeff that the burn at Circle B had not been a prescribed fire but one started by lightning. Glad it didn’t get too much of the sandhill.
Jessica, it’s always a pleasure seeing you and your dad at Circle-B enjoying what we love, photographing the wildlife. Love the Bobcat photo, are you sure you didn’t dress up one of your house cats in a Halloween costume? You have a wonderful website, please keep up the great work.
Ron C fla
I just wanted to thank you for your nice blog and how well it is indexed. I enjoyed your website too. I’m headed for Fla from NC after being laid up for several months with a torn achilles tendon, and found your blog and photos helpful in planning my trip. I will be spending time over near Merritt Island and Viera, but hope to get to Circle B Reserve to see if I can get some images of those very cute Sandhill Crane Colts.
Thanks again and happy shooting!
Just wanted to say that I really liked you website. Your photos were excellent! You helped me to identify many birds at my feeders- thank you!
Hello! I discovered your blog recently, and it’s great!!! I live in Lakeland, so I go to Circle B every once in a while to walk around, get some exercise, and see what I can see. Your photography is really great, and I have loved looking at your new posts and older ones as well. You’ve seen some great sights! I think I need to head out earlier to see some of the really good stuff you’ve captured. I usually only bring my phone, so my pictures don’t compare! :)
Your site is very well done and most entertaining.
THANK YOU. Great site, good photos and description is not too wordy. It helped me ID a Flycatcher that visits my yard.
I’m in a city (central Fla) but plant anything I see that says, “attracts birds”.
I had a Bobwhite last week. I can’t use a ground feeder because of raccoons, unless you know of a “raccoon proof” ground feeder. I could try taking it inside at night but know I won’t be able to do that every night.
Love your blog on your different trips around the state of Florida. I’ve been to a number of them during the last 3 years or so. My favorite is Ft. DeSoto, unfortunately this year it was not as good as last year’s fallout. Didn’t big red but saw a lot of Skimmers and a few Spoonbills.
Thank you and keep up the great work.
I must say I am most impressed with your rose collection! I recall that the few times I have visited Florida, the Flora was unique but I was disheartened by the lack of roses. Amazing photographs and it was fun to compare what I have to your collection. In southern California, roses are really quite easy to grow and maintain,.. we just do not have that humidity and of course they do love a sunny spot! Thank you for sharing your garden!
I LOVE your website. I found it while trying to identify a redish brown bird we have seen in our yard lately. Your photography is wonderful :-)
I have to tell you I love your bird section of your blog. I now follow you on Pinterest. I just moved to Gainesville and inherited a yard with an abundance of butterflies, bees, birds and more birds. As I sit here and type I am watching two hummingbirds and used your site to try and figure out what kind they are.
Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing your pictures and knowledge of the different birds.
Jess, Your pictures are stunning! What a beautiful collection! Do you have these photos with the small script summaries for each in a chart format by chance? If so, how can I purchase one from you? If not, you must consider putting one together, or even a wall year calendar with these pics and captions sparratically placed about. Please let everyone in your blog group know if there is a chance you can put together a poster sized wall chart of your avian pictures with the captions for each. It would be a popular item to sell as well!!!
Best Regards, AReeves
Thanks Adrienne! I will contact you privately about possible sales.
Jess, I came across your blog while researching a trip this July to get that perfect “head shot” of a Maine Puffin. Your details of your trip were very helpful. I’ve read different opinions on which lenses a person should or should not bring. I have a 300mm and a 500 mm. Still debating on which to bring. If I may recommend a trip for you it would be the Sandhill Crane migration in Kearney, NE. in late March and early April. Quite the spectacle.There are also great photo ops for Prairie Chickens at the same time nearby. Regards. C Lewis-Wyoming
Hi Curt, you are going to love Machias Seal Island. On my boat there were people with 500mm and people with 300mm. I was glad I had both. If you want to take just one, take the 300mm. Thanks for the recommendation for Sandhill Crane migration. I’ve heard of that place and it sounds wonderful! Maybe I’ll be able to get there someday. :)
Thanks for the nice website, Jess. I came across this search for a place to identify a bird that was sitting out in my backyard here in southwest Florida, and sure enough you had it on here, the White Ibis. I see them all the time, I just didn’t know what it was called. Take care and thanks again.
Love your photography and really appreciate your willingness to share information and locations. I’m going to Ft De Soto for my first time this week and I know the info you’ve shared on your blog will make it that much more successful an experience. Thanks very much.
Hi, We just found your page. Love it, we are in the process of moving to the Ocala area from Ohio. We found you page searching for Fla. birds. Very interested in your bird gardens. Please continue with these updates. By the way we love cats also. Keep it up.
I love your blog! We just moved to the Lakeland area last year and I’m trying to learn about all the beautiful back yard birds. Your photos of bird identification has been wonderful! Thank you:)
Hi Jess! I found your page while preparing for our next trip to Florida. Especially your “central florida location guide” is currently my most interesting lecture in order to decide about some new locations to visit. Thanks a lot. Great website! A relly helpful source of information and – last but not least – congratulations for your pictures! Wish you to have always good light and cooperative “models”.
Thanks, Markus, I hope you enjoy your trip to Florida!
Love the photos, it helps me identify my backyard birds. I also like to watch the squirrels trying to mess with the birds. The description under the photos of the birds are very cute and informative. I hope this site is still viewed by many. Thanks.
Hi Jess,
I happened upon your blog by accident and I’m so happy I did. Being an animal lover I find your photos amazing, especially the sandhill crane family. We are fortunate to have quite a few sandhill crane families within a two-mile area of our home in Sarasota. I’m going to be following you guys to enjoy your cats blog and your great photos.
Kathleen Collier
Thanks, Kathleen! The Sandhill families are some of my favorites too :)
I found your site by accident. But I will come back on purpose next time! I Googled “pictures of colts’ faces”, because I want to do a painting that has a baby horse in it, and in the practice sketches I’ve done, I just ‘don’t have the nose right!. I was not aware of Sandhill cranes. Nor that their babies were called colts. I have learned something new! And I love your colt pictures! I want to come back when I have more time to enjoy it.
Thanks Alice! Baby horse colts are almost as cute as baby Sandhill Crane colts! ;-)
I love your blog, I have been using the ‘birds’ section for years.
Thanks, Nathan! I’m glad the bird ID page is useful.