Backyard Bird List

We playfully call this our cats’ life list!  We’ve been privileged to see all the following birds from our suburban Orlando backyard. Scroll down further for additional birds seen in the neighborhood.

[m] Found during migration only
[s] Summer visitor
[w] Winter visitor

  1. American Crow
  2. American Goldfinch [w]
  3. American Redstart [m]
  4. American Robin [w]
  5. American White Pelican [w]
  6. Bald Eagle
  7. Black Vulture
  8. Black-and-white Warbler
  9. Blue Jay
  10. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
  11. Boat-tailed Grackle
  12. Brown Thrasher
  13. Brown-headed Cowbird
  14. Cape May Warbler [m]
  15. Carolina Wren [s]
  16. Cattle Egret
  17. Cedar Waxwing [w]
  18. Chipping Sparrow [w]
  19. Common Grackle
  20. Common Ground-Dove
  21. Common Nighthawk [s]
  22. Common Yellowthroat
  23. Cooper’s Hawk
  24. Downy Woodpecker
  25. Eastern Bluebird
  26. Eastern Phoebe [w]
  27. Gray Catbird [w]
  28. Great Crested Flycatcher
  29. Great Blue Heron
  30. Great Egret
  31. House Finch
  32. House Sparrow
  33. House Wren [w]
  34. Indigo Bunting [m]
  35. Little Blue Heron
  36. Loggerhead Shrike
  37. Mallard
  38. Mourning Dove
  39. Nanday Parakeet
  40. Northern Bobwhite
  41. Northern Cardinal
  42. Northern Mockingbird
  43. Northern Parula
  44. Orange-crowned Warbler [w]
  45. Orchard Oriole [m]
  46. Osprey
  47. Painted Bunting [w]
  48. Palm Warbler [w]
  49. Pine Warbler
  50. Prairie Warbler [w]
  51. Purple Martin [s]
  52. Red-bellied Woodpecker
  53. Red-shouldered Hawk
  54. Red-winged Blackbird
  55. Rock Pigeon
  56. Rose-breasted Grosbeak [m]
  57. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  58. Sandhill Crane
  59. Savannah Sparrow [w]
  60. Snowy Egret
  61. Swallow-tailed Kite [s]
  62. Tricolored Heron
  63. Tufted Titmouse
  64. White Ibis
  65. Yellow-headed Blackbird (rare)
  66. Yellow-rumped Warbler [w]
  67. Yellow-throated Warbler [w]

Additional Birds Found in Our Neighborhood

  1. American Kestrel
  2. Anhinga
  3. Belted Kingfisher [w]
  4. Black-necked Stilt [s]
  5. Brown Pelican
  6. Double-crested Cormorant
  7. Great Horned Owl
  8. Hooded Merganser [w]
  9. Lesser Scaup [w]
  10. Limpkin
  11. Pied-billed Grebe [w]
  12. Spotted Sandpiper [m]
  13. Wood Stork