I’m proud to have my images published and/or recognized in photography competitions.
Least Bittern Feeding Time

Sunrise Solitude

Fish Out of Water

Parental Oversight

Defending the Colony

Special Delivery

Least Tern Fish Exchange


Playtime! (Sandhill Crane Colts)

Roseate Spoonbill

Sunrise in the Marsh


First Bug

Least Tern Family Portrait

Nesting Great Blue Herons

Mobile Home

Talon Show-Off

American Bittern

Sandhill Crane Family

Blue Cypress Sunrise

Where’s Mine?

Burrowing Owlet Yawn

Winter Wonderland

Featured in Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program 2013 calendar.
Don’t Forget Me! (Baby Limpkin)

Out of This World

Over the Moon

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Anhinga with Nesting Material

Veteran’s Honor

‘Gemini’ Rose

‘Nancy Reagan’ Rose