Hooded Oriole

2019: Photographic Year in Review

December 31, 2019 - Rich and I got to take a couple of much-anticipated trips to Cape Coral for Burrowing Owls and the beaches for nesting birds and turtles.... Beach photography at Fort De Soto: Black-bellied Plover in flight, Red Knot, Royal Tern courtship, Least Tern courtship, Black Skimmers, Black-bellied Plover in breeding plumage…... Read more

Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owls in Cape Coral

May 2, 2019 - For years I've been wanting to visit Cape Coral during Burrowing Owl nesting season.... Cape Coral has the largest population of breeding Burrowing Owls in Florida.... I've enjoyed photographing Burrowing Owls in the past, both in Central Florida and at Brian Piccolo Park in southeast Florida.... Read more

Burrowing Owl

My Sunset Project

July 26, 2015 - Sunset Silhouette of a Burrowing Owl (Yep, you knew I had to sneak a bird in somewhere!... Read more

Burrowing Owl

Week Five: Burrowing Owls Fly Off!

July 10, 2013 - This is my last post on my Burrowing Owl nest-watching this spring....  I was so lucky to get to monitor the growth of a family of five (reduced to four) Burrowing Owls.... I really enjoyed the opportunity to observe the Burrowing Owls this spring.... Read more

Burrowing Owl

Week Four: Burrowing Owls Stretching their Wings

July 8, 2013 - My Week Four visit to my Burrowing Owl nest was short and sweet.... Burrowing Owls are a protected species in Florida, and they are protected across the country by migration logs.... My next post will be my last on the Burrowing Owls - they finally started showing off their flight…... Read more

Burrowing Owl

Week One: First Glimpses of the Burrowing Owl Family

June 30, 2013 - This spring I had the awesome opportunity to regularly observe a Burrowing Owl family....  Burrowing Owls can be so expressive, but I must admit that they were not exciting photographic subjects, sitting on fenceposts and sleeping....  Burrowing Owls are typically about two weeks old when they first venture outside for…... Read more

Leading an Orchestra?

More Burrowing Owls from Brian Piccolo Park

June 20, 2013 - It's time for round two on Burrowing Owls from Brian Piccolo Park!...  Maybe next year will be my year to head to Cape Coral, where there are tons of Burrowing Owl nests....  Or maybe I'll go see Debbie and laugh more at the Burrowing Owls from Brian Piccolo Park!... Read more

Burrowing Owl

Flight Lessons for the Burrowing Owls at Brian Piccolo Park

June 14, 2013 - I had two photo ops with the Burrowing Owls at Brian Piccolo Park on my recent trip to South Florida.... The Burrowing Owlets spent quite a bit of time fussing back and forth between each other.... Stay tuned for more pictures from my second visit to the Burrowing Owls at…... Read more

Burrowing Owl

Great Horned Owls are Fledging

April 1, 2013 -  The Burrowing Owls are making their burrows, and I can't wait to go back to Brian Piccolo Park to get baby shots of their little ones!... Read more

Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owls at Brian Piccolo Park

June 22, 2012 - I made it to Brian Piccolo Park this year after all!  When Rich and I went to West Palm Beach to visit the turtles, we planned to also visit Butterfly World.  I've been wanting to visit the free-flight hummingbirds there ever since I saw Jamie's incredible photo of the butterfly…... Read more

Burrowing Owl

Eyes on You

June 2, 2012 - I was very excited to have an unexpected opportunity to photograph a Burrowing Owl family last weekend.  It was a rainy morning, thanks to Tropical Storm Beryl.   I found the adult owls sitting on fenceposts, and several chicks were sitting on the burrow beneath.  How fun!  They are so small…... Read more