January 2, 2023 - Sea turtle hatchling cross-stitch project
March 6, 2022 - Cross-stitch of my own design based on an image of a Sandhill Crane nest. This was the nest where I saw the egg hatch. :)cr
December 12, 2013 - Regular readers of my blog may recall that I cross-stitch an ornament every year for our Christmas tree. This year’s subject was a no-brainer – what was one of the most incredible things we did this year? Go see puffins, of course! I thought the ornament turned out pretty well. It looks very similar to […]
February 23, 2013 - Today I finished my Snow Leopard cross-stitch. I placed the final stitch of blue on Thursday night, and today I finished the back-stitch outlining. The cat looks a lot better with his whiskers! They are almost as long as Whiskey Loopy’s. Below is an animated GIF showing the difference that the outlining makes. Give it […]
February 18, 2013 - I’m almost done with my Snow Leopard cross-stitch. I made major progress on it this weekend, when the cold windy weather kept me inside. This cross-stitch has been a wonderful distraction while I’ve had mono. It’s kept my hands busy while I couldn’t get out and do my photography. Now that I’m (finally!) starting to […]
February 11, 2013 - I’ve been making major progress on the Snow Leopard cross-stitch since the last time I posted a picture. I’ve filled in the bottom left corner, and added a bunch of the snowy branch detail. This Snow Leopard cross-stitch design is a kit from the Dimensions Gold collection. The kit came with Aida cloth, but I […]
January 21, 2013 - I’ve had a lot of time for cross-stitch lately, so my Snow Leopard cross-stitch project is coming along nicely. I take pictures of it every couple of days, when I’ve made major progress. Usually I post those as separate posts, but this time I decided to save a few and post them as an animated […]
December 27, 2012 - No, I’m not talking about a version of the MacOS, I’m talking about my new cross-stitch. Although I’d decided my next project would be one of my own designs, I fell in love with this cross-stitch design in the craft store. It’s helping keep my hands busy while I wait for this stupid bug to […]
September 2, 2012 - The warm weather has kept me inside a little more, and one of my favorite hobbies is cross-stitch. I just finished my latest one, of a hummingbird perched on a flowering vine. I like use bead accents instead of French knots, especially for the tips of the flowers in designs like this one. This particular […]
May 30, 2012 - …then I will have to have them inside! This is my latest cross-stitch, a hummingbird on a morning glory vine.
December 24, 2011 - Whiskey is eagerly anticipating his first Christmas. Every year I cross-stitch a dated ornament for our tree, and this year’s featured the newest member of our family. Merry Christmas Eve!
March 14, 2011 - I put the final touches on the bird feeder cross-stitch today. The outlining makes such a big difference! Now it’s ready to iron and frame! :)
March 13, 2011 - I finally finished the cross-stitch on the bird feeder design that I’m stitching for my parents. It was supposed to be a Christmas present…better late than never, right?
January 20, 2011 - Home sick with a flu bug today, I had time to continue working the bird feeder cross-stitch for my parents. Now if only I could convince some of these guys to come visit my real-life feeders…!!
December 5, 2010 - I did this cross-stitch about seven years ago, always intending it to be made into a tree skirt. But we finally decided to frame it instead. It’s safer when you have two felines who love to hang out under the Christmas tree!
May 26, 2010 - I finished the cross-stitch portion of my current project, nicknamed Cranky the Turtle. (When I took his picture, he kept turning his back on me – very cranky indeed!) I worked on this really intensely from January through March, then finished it up in the past two weeks or so. Now all I have left […]
March 21, 2010 - I’ve reached another milestone mark in my Cranky the Turtle cross-stitch. I finished the third fin and the fourth corner. Now I just have to fill in the middle!
March 9, 2010 - Another big milestone in Cranky the Turtle – the bottom left corner is conquered! It’s fun to see the turtle as I fill in his tummy, too. Rich is excited that Fin #3 is coming so quickly after Fin #2.
February 21, 2010 - I’m officially half done and the background really makes the turtle pop! It’s going to look even better after I backstitch the turtle outline (especially around the mouth).
February 8, 2010 - More progress on the water…the blue and gray colors are growing on me. The shading in the background is intricate enough to keep it interesting.
January 24, 2010 - More progress on the water…I reached the top of the design!
January 21, 2010 - The turtle’s top fin is complete and so is the water around it (which is good, because turtles don’t like their skin to dry out!) Rich is concerned that the turtle only has one fin and can therefore only swim in circles…which Rich proceeds to imitate in hilarious fashion. More fins, coming up!
January 17, 2010 - I’ve done more on Cranky the Turtle. I’ve added more definition in the neck and fin, and it makes this turtle look like he’s getting ready to swim.
January 10, 2010 - I started stitching at the center, which works out to be the turtle’s fin-pit. At first I thought the design had no potential at all, but as I worked my way over to the eye, the detail in the neck and face started to look better. So I guess you can tell it’s a turtle […]
December 20, 2009 - I began a new cross-stitch project today. I took one of my turtle pictures, ran it through my PC Stitch cross-stitch pattern making program, and generated a design. This one is 300×200 stitches and one of the biggest projects I’ve ever done. Here is the original picture: This is the preview that my cross-stitch program […]
August 21, 2009 - A little bit of outlining, and Ronnie Jado is done! Click on his picture for a more detailed image.
August 20, 2009 - I finished filling in all the purple of the flower. I wish there was a little more detail in the flower, to match the detail in the butterfly and cone. The shadow in the original picture didn’t quite turn out right in the cross-stitch. But all in all, Ronnie Jado looks pretty good!
August 9, 2009 - The cone is pretty much done and I’m on to purple…lots and lots of purple…
August 2, 2009 - The flower is starting to look like a flower (at first I thought it looked like orange cough syrup spilled underneath poor Ronnie Jado!).
July 19, 2009 - Ronnie Jado’s body is all done and now he’s getting his flower to sit on. He says it’s kinda strange having his back two legs suspended in mid-air while I work the left half of the flower.
July 18, 2009 - Ronnie Jado’s wings are almost complete. He’s looking forward to when I complete his body.
July 12, 2009 - The cool eyespots are in…doesn’t Ronnie Jado look cool? (The name is derived from the Spanish word for orange, “anaranjado”. I couldn’t spend this many hours working on something and not give it a name!!)
July 4, 2009 - Rich says this is “beyond potential”. I love seeing the detail in the wings develop!
June 28, 2009 - More of the wing is done, including some of the first orange patches. There are so many colors in this design, and it takes a long time to stitch, but it’s totally worth it. :)
June 26, 2009 - My current cross-stitch is a design I generated from one of my photographs. I took the picture of the Painted Lady at Callaway Gardens when we were there for our 5th anniversary. Here’s the original picture… This is the preview that my cross-stitch program gave me for this design.
November 6, 2008 - After a little bit of outlining, now the monarch cross-stitch is done!!
November 1, 2008 - The butterfly cross-stitch is done (backstitch outlining being debated) and the flower looks better anchored on a stem…
October 19, 2008 - I had a very productive day and made a lot of progress on the monarch cross-stitch.
October 17, 2008 - I’ve made some progress on the monarch cross-stitch, filling in the details of the wing and adding a bit of the porterweed.
October 12, 2008 - Here’s my current progress on the monarch cross-stitch. Rich says it has potential. I’m looking forward to stitching with a color other than black!
October 1, 2008 - My current cross-stitch is a design I generated from one of my photographs. This monarch was sipping at the porterweed in my garden, and he makes a good cross-stitch subject! :) Here’s the original picture…