House Finch

Lifer Purple Finch at Chinsegut Conservation Center

February 5, 2021 - Ever since I saw my first male House Finch, I've wanted to see a Purple Finch.... Apparently Purple Finches are as good as their House Finch cousins at squabbling over feeder ports...... Then the House Finches joined the feeder party.... Read more

House Finch

Birds and Berries at ONP

December 17, 2019 - Pine Warbler House Finch on Beautyberry Blue-gray Gnatcatcher A pair of Red-shouldered Hawks kept an eye on me from a nearby tree.... Read more

House Finch

Welcome Fall Birds!

October 22, 2017 - The House Finches have been around all summer, and they continue to visit....  The juvenile House Finch with eye disease hasn't been seen since Irma, but his parents still turn up periodically.... Read more

House Finch

Summer Backyard Birding

August 17, 2017 - We have a new family of House Finches growing up in the backyard....  One House Finch paused on a shepherd's crook to look at me...... Read more

House Finch

Backyard Bird Feeder Fun

April 30, 2017 - House Finch Northern Cardinal Male Painted Bunting Painted Bunting Greenie It's fun to watch the birds start to pair up in the springtime.... Read more

House Finch

House Finches Back in the Yard

April 13, 2017 - Long-time readers of my blog may remember the flocks of House Finches that visited our yard about 10 years ago....  Our House Finch numbers declined and we no longer saw them regularly in the backyard, although I've seen evidence of them nesting in the neighborhood over the years.... The male House…... Read more

House Finch

Welcome Back, Winter Birds!

October 9, 2016 - Friends at the Feeder (Male Painted Bunting and Female House Finch) Yep, my male Painted Bunting made it through the storm.... Read more

House Finch

Summertime Birds in the Backyard

August 28, 2016 - This House Finch thought he'd sit next to the fake bird on the top of the pole....  We've had a family of House Finches in the yard lately, with the juveniles making quite a racket as they beg for food from their parents.... Read more

House Finch

Around the House

November 8, 2011 - The House Finches have been active lately, visiting Goldy's feeder often, much to her delight.... Read more

Ornithology 101

September 6, 2011 - The little red ones are called house finches.  I don't understand why, because they don't come into the house.  They sit for hours and hours on the tube feeder, eating and eating and eating.  And the people say that we cats are piggies!!  Although the finches are less piggy than…... Read more

House Finch

House Finches

June 29, 2011 - It's fun to watch the little House Finch juveniles as they learn how to live.  They usually travel with Papa, and their chirping begs for food can be heard across the neighborhood.  Here, Daddy took a well-deserved break from his little ones to get some food himself.... House Finch... Read more

House Finch

Baby House Finches

June 16, 2011 - The House Finches have been showing up at our feeders with their recently fledged little ones.  The babies are so cute to watch as they flap their wings to beg for food.  Their sweet little chatter is fun to listen to.  I wish I could find one of their nests...... Read more

Stoneybrook Signs of Spring

April 6, 2011 - American Goldfinch The House Finches are bright red and they have started to sing as they attract their mates and begin to build their nests.  They've learned to appreciate the Painted Bunting feeder, which has a cage surrounding it to protect the little birds from being evicted by the big…... Read more

House Finch Duo

September 8, 2010 - It was rainy and gross out and Rich and I pulled up into the driveway to see these two House Finches perched on the roof.... House Finches... Read more

House Finches

August 23, 2010 - We've been seeing increased House Finch activity in the last week or so.   I've seen juveniles flapping their wings and begging for food, and older males starting to molt (and looking extremely scruffy!)  We've had six and eight birds at a time at the bird bath and bird feeders.  It's…... Read more

Fifth Anniversary – Callaway Gardens

June 5, 2009 - Ruby-throated hummingbird Painted lady butterfly Male Bluebird Female bluebird Blue Grosbeak House finches Eastern phoebe Great Blue Heron Female Summer Tanager Eastern Towhee Daddy and Baby Canadian Goose family Canadian Goose babies Brown thrasher Song Sparrow Giant Swallowtail Discovery Center Discovery Center birdfeeders Hummingbird garden Great blue heron reflection... Read more

Winter Birding at Callaway Gardens

November 27, 2008 - Orchard Oriole Junco Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (you can see the ruby crown!!) White-Throated Sparrow Chipping Sparrow Tufted Titmouse White-Breasted Nuthatch Yellow-Rumped Warbler (Female) Yellow-Rumped Warbler (Male) House Finch The Callaway Birds of Prey show is fun.... Read more