Surprise American White Pelicans
February 6, 2022 - A sizable flock of Double-crested Cormorants was also swimming laps that afternoon.... Read more
![]() | I’m a quiet bird who you’ll see flying overhead in the marshes and around lakes. Don’t confuse me with an Anhinga – my beak looks a lot different! Most Likely Found: At the beach, In a pond, In the marsh When: Year-Round Where I've photographed: Black Skimmer Colonies, Circle B Bar Reserve, Gatorland Rookery, Lake Apopka, Lake Hancock Outfall Wetlands, Lake Morton, Polk Rookery, Venice Rookery, Viera Wetlands Read more: Double-Crested Cormorant at Cornell Lab of Ornithology |
I have written 46 posts including a photo of a Double-Crested Cormorant
February 6, 2022 - A sizable flock of Double-crested Cormorants was also swimming laps that afternoon.... Read more
November 27, 2021 - The Double-crested Cormorant landed in the water and triumphantly showed his prize - a big catfish.... Read more
April 10, 2021 - A Double-crested Cormorant sat quietly on the edge of the lake.... Read more
April 2, 2021 - A Double-crested Cormorant sat tall on a snag in the marsh.... Read more
March 25, 2021 - A Double-crested Cormorant flew by.... Read more
March 16, 2021 - Each time I spotted a Double-crested Cormorant, I peeked closely inside his mouth to see if it was blue yet.... Read more
February 16, 2021 - A Double-crested Cormorant caught a fish, then swam in circles with it trying to drown it into submission.... Read more
November 30, 2019 - Then a Double-crested Cormorant did battle with a giant fish and managed to swallow it whole.... Read more
April 20, 2019 - This Double-crested Cormorant sat on a brick wall, looking at me and showing off his double-crested tufts of feathers that he sports only during the breeding season.... Read more
February 25, 2018 - The Double-crested Cormorant develops a beautiful electric blue eye, and if you're lucky enough to see him open his mouth, you see that his mouth turns a matching blue color.... Read more
January 8, 2018 - I noticed more Double-crested Cormorants than usual at Viera.... Read more
December 17, 2017 - Double-crested Cormorant.... Read more
July 2, 2017 - Off in the distance I spotted a Double-crested Cormorant on her nest taking care of two fussy, fussy babies.... It never ceases to amaze me how small the Double-crested Cormorant nests are.... Read more
June 26, 2017 - Double-crested Cormorant Take-off The Barn Swallows were in their usual places along Interceptor Road.... Read more
June 6, 2017 - Some distance from the road was a tree with several Double-crested Cormorant nests.... Read more
April 23, 2016 - All the species were there: Great Egrets, Tricolored Herons, Snowy Egrets, Little Blue Herons, Anhingas, Double-Crested Cormorants, and Cattle Egrets.... A Double-crested Cormorant was hunting for nest material, and he flew regularly between a tree and his nest.... I climbed the observation tower and found myself looking straight into a…... Read more
June 2, 2015 - My first bird of the morning was a Double-crested Cormorant who was fishing in the shallow waves.... Read more
January 21, 2015 - One of my best shots of the morning was a Double-crested Cormorant, who surfaced with a huge catfish.... Read more
January 8, 2015 - A group of Double-crested Cormorants perched on a tree caught my eye.... Read more
December 21, 2014 - Hundreds of Double-crested Cormorants dotted the trees and the red buoys near the pump station.... Read more
November 9, 2014 - (Don't worry, Cole, I'll work harder at this year's CBC!) This Double-crested Cormorant stood patiently on a post while the rain fell around him.... Read more
June 23, 2014 - I always visit the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary when I visit the skimmers, and this time, a Double-crested Cormorant in breeding colors caught my eye.... Read more
March 8, 2014 - A few weekends ago at Viera Wetlands, I photographed this Double-crested Cormorant on a palm tree trunk in front of me.... I've often wondered why these birds are called Double-crested Cormorants.... The Florida subspecies of Double-crested Cormorant has black crests, but other subspecies have white feathers mixed into the crest.... Read more
February 22, 2014 - The Double-crested Cormorants also seem to be in the breeding mood.... Read more
February 1, 2014 - Anhingas and Double-crested Cormorants also nest at the Viera Wetlands.... I had a Double-crested Cormorant land right in front of me and preen in the gorgeous morning light.... Read more
January 27, 2014 - This Double-crested Cormorant was showing off, too.... Read more
December 3, 2013 - As he swam around, a Double-crested Cormorant flew in, probably hoping for an easy meal.... Read more
October 2, 2012 - At this time of year, the Wood Storks and Double-Crested Cormorants tend to roost in the tall trees in the middle of the marsh at the Circle B Bar Reserve.... Read more
November 26, 2011 - Two Double-Crested Cormorants made me laugh.... Bird Species List (39 total): American Bittern, American Coot, American Wigeon, Anhinga, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, Black-Bellied Whistling Duck, Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, Blue-Winged Teal, Boat-tailed Grackle, Bufflehead, Common Gallinule, Double-Crested Cormorant, Eastern Meadowlark (heard), Eastern Phoebe, Gadwall, Glossy Ibis, Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Green-Winged…... Read more
November 25, 2011 - Within seconds, a Double-Crested Cormorant flew in and displaced both the Kingfisher and the Starling.... Read more
November 22, 2011 - https://vimeo.com/336709100 The best path for morning light is the path you turn onto as you come into the wetlands, and I was lucky that the sun came out as I circled around to that path. The golden light was quite pretty for a while. I parked by a set of…... Read more
August 5, 2011 - The Wood Storks and Double-Crested Cormorants have returned to the reserve. They covered the trees, looking like ornaments on Christmas trees. A couple of cormorants posed on posts on the Wading Bird Way trail. The lake made for good background bokeh.... Read more
July 10, 2011 - These two guys cracked me up. The juvenile Double-Crested Cormorant was begging for food, fussing like crazy. He flapped his wings and threw his head around, and the longer the other bird ignored him, the fussier he got. I guess he didn't care that the other bird was an Anhinga! …... Read more
April 15, 2011 - :( A bunch of Double-Crested Cormorants flew back and forth over the trail, tempting me to practice my flight shots. A couple of them had an extra bonus: a fish!... Double-Crested Cormorant with Fish I ran into Andrew, one of our photo walk participants. He confirmed that the baby Barred…... Read more
April 6, 2011 - Lesser Scaup The Double-Crested Cormorants have re-appeared, swimming on our ponds in flocks. They weren't around in these numbers during the winter, either at home or at the Circle B Bar Reserve.... Double-Crested Cormorants We've been seeing "Shrek the Shrike" on his weeping willow trees again. He sits up at…... Read more
March 20, 2011 - Augustine Alligator Farm Rookery, this one is totally wild. There were hundreds of birds there, most of them sporting their breeding plumages. We saw Great Egrets, Wood Storks, Roseate Spoonbills, Black-Crowned Night Herons, White Ibises, Great Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets, Tricolored Herons, Little Blue Herons, Brown Pelicans, Double-Crested Cormorants, Anhingas,…... Read more
February 13, 2011 - A flock of Double-Crested Cormorants was feeding, with plenty of fish visible in their hungry beaks.... Gulls stealing fish from Double-Crested Cormorants A brave House Wren posed for me on a branch right next to the path.... Yellowthroat, Common Grackle, Common Moorhen, Double-crested Cormorant, Eastern Meadowlark, Eastern Phoebe, Fish Crow,…... Read more
January 28, 2011 - I've been noticing small groups of Double-Crested Cormorants starting to hang around the golf course when we come home in the evenings. They hadn't been around so much during the wintertime. This one was content -- he had a fish!... Double-Crested Cormorant... Read more
November 28, 2010 - The backlight was very bad, but I turned up the exposure compensation and turned on fill flash, and then adjusted Shadows and Highlights in Photoshop Elements, and here's the result: Pied-Billed Grebe with fish Likewise, this Double-Crested Cormorant was very backlit, but a set of new batteries in my flash…... Read more
November 26, 2010 - Red-Shouldered Hawk Red-Shouldered Hawk A Double-Crested Cormorant sat in the same tree and sunned himself for our entire visit.... Unfortunately for us, all we saw were these Double-Crested Cormorants.... Double-Crested Cormorant Several of the ponds were just covered in American Coots.... Read more
November 1, 2010 - Tricolored Heron Hundreds of Anhingas and Double-Crested Cormorants flew overhead as they left their night roosting trees and took over off the marsh.... This was my best shot: Double-Crested Cormorant This Eastern Phoebe repeatedly called "Phoebe!... Baby Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks Species list: Anhinga, American Coot, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, Black-Bellied…... Read more
September 18, 2010 - Limpkin Looking across the marsh, there were hundreds of Double-Crested Cormorants roosting in the trees.... Double-Crested Cormorant Double-Crested Cormorant The only interesting migrant bird I saw on Heron Hideout this morning was a Caspian Tern.... He flew in with a bunch of Double-Crested Cormorants.... Read more
September 12, 2010 - Tree Swallows Double-Crested Cormorants and Wood Storks were roosting in the trees in the middle of the marsh again this week.... Double-Crested Cormorant I was ecstatic when the Belted Kingfishers flew across the marsh right in front of me.... Species list: Anhinga, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, Blackburnian Warbler, Black-Bellied Whistling…... Read more
March 20, 2010 - Juvenile White Ibis There were several double crested cormorants out on Wading Bird Way. It's such fun to watch them fishing. They go underwater in one place and then come up far away. I took several shots as this one took off: Double-Crested Cormorant Takeoff This green heron was perched…... Read more
December 23, 2009 - Anhinga Anhinga Some of the trees are so filled with double-crested cormorants that they look like Christmas trees, except with birds instead of ornaments. The light was very nice on this bird in one such tree: Double crested cormorant Walking on Marsh Rabbit Run, we heard some new sounds, and…... Read more
November 8, 2009 - Double-crested cormorant As we reached the end of Marsh Rabbit Run and turned onto Wading Bird Way, we saw this little sparrow hopping around on the ground. I think it's a Savannah sparrow.... Read more