Rich Found a Turtle at Orlando Wetlands
April 8, 2023 - I love trying to catch the Little Blue Herons as they dart in and out of the nesting trees.... Read more
![]() | I look a lot like a Tricolored Heron, but my beak is pale blue and I don’t have brown streaks. Our juvenile birds are white, and they molt into their blue colors in their first year. So if you see a blue-and-white bird, you’ll know it’s me! Most Likely Found: At the beach, In a pond, In the marsh When: Year-Round Where I've photographed: Circle B Bar Reserve, Fort De Soto, Lake Apopka, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Orlando Wetlands, Viera Wetlands |
I have written 28 posts including a photo of a Little Blue Heron
April 8, 2023 - I love trying to catch the Little Blue Herons as they dart in and out of the nesting trees.... Read more
April 6, 2023 - Like this pair of Little Blue Herons who worked hard to build their nest, then started to fill it...... Read more
March 18, 2023 - The Tricolored Herons and Little Blue Herons are building nests in the same place as the Roseate Spoonbills.... Read more
March 6, 2023 - This image is special - it shows an adult Little Blue Heron (left) and an immature white-colored Little Blue Heron (right).... Read more
August 23, 2021 - A Little Blue Heron was fishing in the shallow waters.... Read more
July 15, 2021 - Their little cousins are the Little Blue Herons.... Read more
September 5, 2017 - It also yielded better views of the perched birds, like this Little Blue Heron.... Read more
November 4, 2016 - We watched Great Egrets, Tricolored Herons, and Little Blue Herons stalking their prey and grabbing small minnows from the water.... Michael was watching a Little Blue Heron sitting in the reeds.... Read more
September 18, 2016 - This Little Blue Heron sat calmly on a lower branch.... Read more
May 28, 2015 - The other fun birds on the refuge that evening were the Little Blue Herons.... Read more
September 3, 2014 - A Little Blue Heron was stalking the shoreline of the lagoon along with a Great Blue Heron.... Read more
November 4, 2013 - Finally, towards the end of the morning, a Little Blue Heron waded right in front of us and pulled a frog out of the slimey mud.... Read more
August 19, 2011 - The juvenile Little Blue Heron that hangs out near the "Four Corners" intersection has almost completed his molt into his adult plumage. I spotted him as he caught a bug for his breakfast.... Bird Species List (30 total): Anhinga, Bald Eagle, Black-Bellied Whistling Duck, Boat-tailed Grackle, Common Moorhen, Double-Crested Cormorant,…... Read more
August 7, 2011 - (Note: Someone else stood watching all morning long and didn't see a hummer. I guess maybe Herman's bird was a passing migrant.) As exciting as it would have been to photograph a hummer at Circle B, I didn't want to sit waiting for one all morning! So I headed down…... Read more
May 8, 2011 - Happy Mother's Day! Dyeyo and I spent a few hours at the Circle B Bar Reserve this morning before going to spend some time with my mom. It seemed appropriate that we saw a bunch of baby birds with their moms today. We hiked the Alligator Alley loop this morning,…... Read more
March 4, 2011 - Anhinga I made my way up the Alligator Alley trail. The leaves have started to cover the trees again, and sadly, no Painted Buntings greeted me today. A bunch of Yellow-Rumped Warblers hopped out to say hello, though! I made it around to "The Bend," where the trail curves away…... Read more
February 20, 2011 - When he emerged, I got one lucky shot: Little Blue Heron It really was a good morning for little birds.... King Rail Species List: American Bittern, American Coot, American Goldfinch, American Robin, Anhinga, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, Black Vulture, Black-Bellied Whistling Duck, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Blue-winged Teal, Boat-tailed Grackle, Cattle Egret,…... Read more
December 4, 2010 - The Little Blue Herons are especially easy to startle.... Little Blue Heron I was surprised to find this Turkey Vulture just standing quietly on the ground, poking at some flowers.... Species list: Anhinga, American Bittern, American Coot, American Goldfinch, Belted Kingfisher, Black-Bellied Whistling Duck, Black Vulture, Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, Blue-Winged Teal,…... Read more
November 26, 2010 - This Little Blue Heron was in great light, though.... Little Blue Heron A tern flew overhead and Dyeyo and I both practiced our flight photography.... Read more
September 21, 2010 - The Little Blue Herons in this neighborhood sure like to fly away!... Little Blue Heron... Read more
September 17, 2010 - We went pond-hopping on our walk tonight, and saw a Little Blue Heron in each.... Little Blue Heron with Dragonfly He tossed it around for a few seconds before doing the last gulp.... Little Blue Heron with Dragonfly... Read more
August 29, 2010 - This juvenile Little Blue Heron watched me watching him by Lake Hancock. I had to use some fill flash. It's fun to apply the techniques that I'm learning as I read Arthur Morris's books on bird photography. Juvenile Little Blue Heron I stood for a few minutes watching the fly-bys…... Read more
July 31, 2010 - Pileated Woodpecker A Little Blue Heron posed for me, too. (It's funny how the ones in the trees over the trail aren't as skittish as the birds at the water's edge!) Little Blue Heron As we rounded the bend in the trail and started to move away from the lake,…... Read more
June 20, 2010 - Sand Hill Crane While we followed the cranes, I noticed this Little Blue Heron fishing for his breakfast. He made such a fuss while he chased and dove! I'm surprised he was able to catch anything, given that he announced himself so clearly. But he caught fish after fish.... Little…... Read more
June 13, 2010 - Black-Necked Stilt Another poser on Wading Bird Way was this juvenile Little Blue Heron. I wonder if he's the same bird who posed for us there last week? There have been an increased number of Little Blues all around the marshes in the past few weeks. I certainly see more…... Read more
June 6, 2010 - The first bird we saw was this Little Blue Heron, who posed for us before the sun had really come up. I tried fill flash and got some birdie red eye. So this was a non-flash image with some fill flash added in Lightroom: Little Blue Heron As the sun…... Read more
March 20, 2010 - Sora This little blue heron was stalking fish in the marshy dollarweed. When I first saw him, I thought he would better be named a gray heron, but when the light him him, his blue beak was apparent. Too bad the dollarweed background reminds me too much of the weeds…... Read more
November 8, 2009 - Purple gallinule (adult) Purple gallinule (juvenile) The sun was rising and very bright. It was hard to get a proper exposure of this juvenile Little Blue Heron, in the sun, with the bright contrast off the water.... Juvenile Little Blue Heron Nearby, a tri-colored heron was hanging out.... Read more