Painted Bunting

The Snowbirds are Back!

October 15, 2023 - The Palm Warblers are shaking their tails on the lawn, the Gray Catbirds are meowing for beautyberries, and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird nectars from my honeysuckle.... Read more

Gray Catbird

Adios Ian!

October 1, 2022 - Then a few minutes later, I looked out to see my first-of-fall Gray Catbird hanging out near the feeders.... Read more

Gray Catbird

Springtime Birding in the Backyard

April 7, 2021 - My last photo of the day was the Gray Catbird who took pity on me and landed briefly on my staged perch.... He let me snap a few photos before he joined a second Gray Catbird in the birdbath.... Read more

Gray Catbird

Backyard Birds in Late February

March 14, 2021 - Squirt's Gray Catbird is still hanging around.... Squirt is our gray cat, and he enjoys sitting on the porch watching the Gray Catbird splashing in the birdbath.... Read more

Gray Catbird

Springtime Backyard Bird Photography

April 11, 2019 - The two Gray Catbirds continue to chase each other around the yard, as do several pairs of Northern Cardinals, each of whom thinks it owns the yard.... The pair of Gray Catbirds has been quite vocal this spring.... Read more

Gray Catbird

Welcome Fall Birds!

October 22, 2017 - Squirt (our gray cat) is happy to welcome back his namesake bird, the Gray Catbird who fusses almost as much as Squirt does.... Read more

Gray Catbird

Another Backyard Birding Paradise

October 22, 2016 - The Gray Catbirds returned to Florida a week or two ago.... So I was happy when a Gray Catbird hopped out of the bushes, stole a berry from the American Beautyberry, and then headed to the birdbath for a drink.... Read more

Gray Catbird

Long Walk at the Circle B Bar Reserve

January 29, 2015 -  My next best shot was almost back at the car, when this Gray Catbird paused from eating beautyberries to tell us "Meow!... Meow!" I've always believed that Gray Catbirds are in a secret association with my gray cat Squirt.... Read more

Gray Catbird

Gray Cat Meets Gray Catbird

October 9, 2012 - I saw my first-of-fall Gray Catbird on Sunday at Bok Tower.... Squirt was very happy to finally meet his namesake gray catbird.... Read more

A Rainbow of Color at Fort De Soto

April 29, 2012 - Normally I leave by mid-day since the light is so bad for photography, but I was having such a good time that I stayed for the afternoon.  I tried to use fill flash to fill in some of the harsh mid-day shadows.  After lunch, I headed to the mulberry tree…... Read more

You Know it’s Springtime at Circle B Bar Reserve if…

February 20, 2011 - But we did see two White-Crowned Sparrows, an unusally obliging Gray Catbird, and an American Bittern that posed for all to photograph!... meoaaaaw!" call coming from a tree, and stopped to find the Gray Catbird that was calling me.... (and I had to move back...gotta love The Beast!) Gray Catbird…... Read more

Circle B Bar Reserve: the Photographer’s Playground!

January 8, 2011 - American Bittern Our group spread out as we got further down Marsh Rabbit Run, and some participants started to turn back.  It is a long walk, and it's a good idea to bring water if you come.  Almost at the end of the trail, I spotted this Gray Catbird in…... Read more

Gray Catbird

Cold Sunset at Oakland Nature Preserve

December 27, 2010 - Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher I used my 500mm lens plus my 1.4x teleconverter today.  With my 7D body, that makes an effective focal length of 1120mm!!  I didn't have any trouble locating birds with just the 500mm, since I'm using to using my 400mm plus my 1.4x teleconverter.  But when I added…... Read more

Happy Hallo-wren at the Circle B Bar Reserve

November 1, 2010 - Yellow-throated Warbler We heard some Gray Catbirds, but they stayed pretty hidden.... Gray Catbird On our way back, we saw a Pied-Billed Grebe in the canal at the crossroad between Heron Hideout and Marsh Rabbit Run.... Baby Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks Species list: Anhinga, American Coot, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, Black-Bellied…... Read more

Gray Catbird

Our First Afternoon Visit to the Circle B Bar Reserve

October 16, 2010 - When we first got out to Heron Hideout, we were greeted by this Gray Catbird, who posed pretty on a nice high branch for us.... Gray Catbird We were hoping to see the tiny baby Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks posted on Flickr a few days ago.... Species list: Anhinga, Bald Eagle,…... Read more

Gray Catbird

Lots of Little Birds at the Circle B Bar Reserve

October 10, 2010 - Common Yellowthroat The Gray Catbirds were not as abundant as they were yesterday at Bok Tower, but they were certainly out and they certainly posed for us.... Gray Catbird Dyeyo noticed this wasp nest on Marsh Rabbit Run.... House Wren singing Species list: Anhinga, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, Black-Bellied Whistling…... Read more

Gray Catbird

Peaceful Morning at Bok Tower

October 9, 2010 - We couldn't turn around without turning into a Gray Catbird.... Gray Catbird Jays, Brown Thrashers, and Eastern Towhees abounded.... Read more

Songbirds at Bok Tower Gardens

May 9, 2010 - Great-crested flycatcher We didn't see any hummingbirds, or warblers, or painted buntings.  Most of the winter songbirds have left already.  I did see this gray catbird near the visitor's center as we left.... Gray Catbird... Read more

Blue-eyed Vireo

Bird-watching at Oakland Nature Preserve

June 26, 2008 - Painted Bunting, Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Gray Catbird, Pileated Woodpecker, House Wren, American Goldfinch, Osprey, Blue Jay, Cardinal, Red-Wing Blackbird Conspicuously absent: Warblers, Robins, Cedar Waxwings.... Blue-Headed Vireo Gray Catbird Red-bellied Woodpecker Great Blue Heron Nest  ... Read more

Bird-watching at Oakland Nature Preserve

January 13, 2008 - Birds Seen Today - Painted Bunting, Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Pine Warbler, Palm Warbler, Black and White Warbler, American Kestrel, Red-Shouldered Hawk, Gray Catbird, Downy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Eastern Pheobe, Osprey, Blue Jay, Cardinal, Red-Wing Blackbird Red-Shouldered Hawk Great Blue Heron Yellow-Rumped Warbler Yellow-Throated Warbler Downy…... Read more

Hiking at Wekiva Springs State Park

February 23, 2007 - Eastern Towhee This Gray Catbird was right up on the path, and I was photographing him, when somebody walked right in between us and scared him off.... Gray Catbird It quickly became apparent that the birds just weren't out today.... Read more