As you may have guessed, I spent a lot of time in my backyard bird blind this spring while visiting with Zippy. I stopped posting about every session because they got very repetitive. But now I want to share some of the best shots from the silly birds in my backyard!

This Fish Crow likes to sit in the treetops and yell. On this particular morning, he landed on my neighbor’s roof with a stolen bit of fruit. At least, I think that’s what it is! His mouth was full and he had trouble holding onto it. Little piggy!

Mr. Catbird has bene the backyard bully this winter. He chases off the cardinals and thrashers when they get too close to “his” feeder. Rude!

Speaking of the thrashers, they built a nest in the backyard, but then nobody occupied it! I think they have a second nest in the hedge. I still see them periodically. I’m hoping to see blue-eyed babies soon!

I think the cardinals are nesting next door. Pretty soon we’ll hear the nagging calls of their first clutch of babies. In the meantime, Mrs. C sometimes takes a break to sit in the treetops.

Papa C likes to fly straight at the camera!

My Painted Buntings are leaving right now, and I already miss them! They will head up north to nest, then come back around the beginning of October. Is it October yet?

This Red-shouldered Hawk likes to hang around and scare the little birds. This was a take-off shot after he posed watchfully on my neighbor’s roof.

Look carefully – this isn’t Zippy! This is a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird. She shared the yard with Zippy, even though he tried to chase her off every time he saw her. (Not a good way to get a mate, Zip!) Then after he left, she took over the hummingbird feeder. I hope she sticks around and makes a nest nearby.