Brown Thrasher Nest-Building (Goldilocks Style)

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The Brown Thrashers are building a nest in my backyard. It’s in the viburnum hedge right behind my bird blind. I actually spotted the nest while doing yardwork, then on my next backyard photography expedition, I started to notice the sticks being taken into the hedge.

Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrasher

To give the birds some space, I stopped using the blind and set up my camera in other spots in the backyard. Still the birds seem quite trusting of the crazy camera lady. They come within a few feet of me in search of the perfect branch. In fact, they have a bit of a Goldilocks complex when it comes to selecting the perfect stick.

This leaf is too small.

Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrasher

This clump of leaves is too big.

Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrasher

This one is too scratchy.

Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrasher

This stick is just right!

Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrasher

When I trimmed my crape myrtle trees, I broke off some branches and left them out in the vicinity of the nest. The next morning I saw the twigs being transported into the hedge. It’s nice when my offerings are appreciated! I will look forward to watching this family grow. :)

Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrasher

2 thoughts on “Brown Thrasher Nest-Building (Goldilocks Style)

    1. Yes, it took me a while with having both mockingbirds and thrashers in the yard to reliably distinguish their songs. I think I prefer the thrasher song (ssh! Don’t tell Mr. Mock)

      The nest construction completed and now it seems unused. I think Mr. Catbird was a little too territorial. Rude!

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