Brown Pelican

What a Mouthful!

July 14, 2014 - Today's image is of a juvenile Brown Pelican that I found on the beach at Indian Rocks this weekend.... Read more

Sunset on North Beach

Sunset at Fort De Soto’s North Beach

September 8, 2013 - ...Rich and I did an overnight trip to Fort De Soto over Labor Day weekend.   I got to do one of my favorite things: photograph sunset at Fort De Soto’s North Beach.  It’s so beautiful there.  I love the white beach and the unspoiled coastline.  Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought it […] Read more

Brown Pelican

Sunset at the Polk Rookery

April 8, 2013 -  Some Brown Pelicans have nested there in previous years, which is unusual because this rookery is pretty far inland, but we were unable to confirm new nests this spring.... Herman had heard about a Brown Pelican nest, so we searched for it, but never did find it.... Read more

Fishing Buddies

September 21, 2012 - ...I had such a good time watching the gulls and the pelicans at Fort De Soto on my last visit. Those gulls are smart – they hang around the pelicans, and when the pelicans grab a big mouthful of fish, the gulls swoop in and steal a bite. I watched them do it over and […] Read more

Catch of the Day

September 12, 2012 - I take my fancy Beast lens and use it to photograph the oh-so-common Brown Pelican.... Read more

Father’s Day at the Polk Rookery

June 20, 2012 - This rookery is located in the middle of Central Florida, well inland from the normal nesting range of the Brown Pelican.  Yet the Brown Pelican nests there.  Last year there were several successful nests.  This year all the nests failed, but a number of pelicans hang around the rookery year-round. …... Read more

A Stop at the Fort De Soto Pier

April 25, 2012 - While we were at Fort De Soto last weekend, I told Rich that we needed to stop at the Gulf Pier to look for dolphins, and maybe sea turtles.  Rich went along, but didn't expect to see much.  When we arrived, we were seeing dolphins every five seconds!  They are…... Read more

"Sunrise" Skyway and Fort De Soto Birds

October 2, 2011 - We went looking for the White Morph Reddish Egret, but all we found were Snowy Egrets (tiny dancers!)  A couple of Wilson's Plovers posed for us by the lagoon, and then we found some Yellow-Crowned Night Herons by the marsh.  I was surprised that the roped-off areas for the Wilson's…... Read more

Father’s Day at the Polk Rookery

June 19, 2011 - Roseate Spoonbill The Brown Pelicans that nested at this rookery have done well.  There are a bunch of blue-headed juvenile birds around.  This bird has some white on his head, but also some blue, so I'm thinking he's a juvenile molting into his adult plumage.   It's unusual for these birds…... Read more

Spoon-Feeding at the Polk Rookery

May 29, 2011 - Herman took my dad and me out in his boat again this morning.  The Polk Rookery has changed considerably since my last visit in March.  Then the birds were building their nests, and Great Egrets, Wood Storks dominated the Brazilian Pepper.  Today the rookery was filled with fledgling birds of…... Read more

Of Drunken Sailors and Crab Legs (Fort De Soto)

May 21, 2011 - Reddish Egret Brown Pelicans flew up and down the beach.  I know these are common birds, and often overlooked, but I find them pretty.  I had fun watching them fly in, float for a few minutes, then grab a fish and fly off.  One was quite nice and flew towards…... Read more

Let’s Go Build a Nest! (Polk Rookery)

March 20, 2011 - Augustine Alligator Farm Rookery, this one is totally wild.  There were hundreds of birds there, most of them sporting their breeding plumages.  We saw Great Egrets, Wood Storks, Roseate Spoonbills, Black-Crowned Night Herons, White Ibises, Great Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets, Tricolored Herons, Little Blue Herons, Brown Pelicans, Double-Crested Cormorants, Anhingas,…... Read more

Quiet Morning at Fort De Soto

March 12, 2011 - Royal Tern The Brown Pelicans are attractive at this time of year in their breeding colors.  I didn't have as many fly-by opportunities as I would have hoped, but I did get this one good shot: Brown Pelican A Herring Gull flew up with a huge shell in his mouth. …... Read more

Brown Pelican

Beautiful Morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve

December 22, 2010 - Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks Hundreds of American White Pelicans flew over our heads as we stood on Heron Hideout.  Then a lone Brown Pelican flew over.  His head is still white -- he hasn't molted to his breeding plumage yet.... Brown Pelican A Great Egret flew overhead as well, giving me…... Read more

Brown Pelican

Chased by an Otter at the Circle B Bar Reserve

December 4, 2010 - Ring-Billed Gull A lone Brown Pelican was out fishing for his breakfast.... Brown Pelican But bright light sometimes does work in the photographer's favor...I liked the effect of shooting into the bright sunrise in this picture: Ring-Billed Gull The lake was full of Double-Crested Cormorants.... Species list: Anhinga, American Bittern,…... Read more

Brown Pelican

Beautiful Morning at Fort De Soto

November 23, 2010 - Least Tern I kept missing the Brown Pelican fly-bys, and I was getting a little annoyed, because the light was awesome and it made their feathers sparkle with iridescence.... Brown Pelican At first I was confused as to why the Brown Pelicans have white heads.... Black-Bellied Plover Bird List:…... Read more

My First Trip to Fort De Soto

September 4, 2010 - Brown Pelican I had never seen a Ruddy Turnstone before, but I thought I recognized the ones today from reading my Birds of Florida book.  I saw one bird still mostly in his breeding plumage, and another that had almost molted completely into his winter plumage.... Read more