American Bittern

Chasing a Wilson’s Snake at Viera Wetlands

March 30, 2017 -  After we realized our miscommunication, we spent the morning teasing about the elusive "Wilon's Snake!" This American Bittern spent most of the morning hunting for food in the reeds.... Read more

American Bittern

Lakeland Christmas Bird Count 2013 – I Found Pelicans!

December 22, 2013 - I was a little surprised when we found more Least Bitterns than American Bitterns!...  I was also surprised when we almost drove right past this American Bittern, who stood out in the open but blended in so well to his surroundings.... Read more

American Bittern

Chasing Lifers

November 29, 2013 - This is the American Bittern who distracted us from our quest for the Grasshopper Sparrow.... Read more

Foggy but Interesting Morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve

March 27, 2011 - Bald Eagle We turned down the Alligator Alley trail and found two American Bitterns stalking their breakfasts.... American Bittern We found the Barred Owl's nest area filled with photographers, who graciously let us squeeze into the "sweet spot" for viewing the nest.  Somebody remarked that we were packed more tightly…... Read more

March Photo Walk at the Circle B Bar Reserve

March 26, 2011 - Great Blue Heron Some of the group had to leave around 10:30, but the rest of us continued enjoying the walk.  Somebody spotted an American Bittern walking out in the open.  It was fun to be able to share this bird with our group, even off the Marsh Rabbit Run…... Read more

You Know it’s Springtime at Circle B Bar Reserve if…

February 20, 2011 - But we did see two White-Crowned Sparrows, an unusally obliging Gray Catbird, and an American Bittern that posed for all to photograph!... Common Yellowthroat We did not see the star American Bittern at his usual place, and the King Rail made only brief appearances at his "Four Corners" hangout.... American…... Read more

Spring is in the Air at the Circle B Bar Reserve

February 12, 2011 - Red-Bellied Woodpecker The King Rail was still in his spot at the "Four Corners" intersection, just a little way down from the American Bittern that always poses.  Someone remarked today that it must be the most-photographed bittern in all of North America!  As we left, a photography group of about…... Read more

Bittern-ly Chilly Morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve

January 15, 2011 - The sun shone on the landscape for about fifteen minutes, then it went behind clouds for most of the "golden light hour." I didn't hike as much as usual, opting instead to stalk specific birds, especially the Sora on Heron Hideout and the American Bitterns on Marsh Rabbit Run.... Wood…... Read more

Circle B Bar Reserve: the Photographer’s Playground!

January 8, 2011 - Blue-Winged Teal The American Bittern that has been posing by the trail was there again this morning, and he let all our photographers get close-up pictures.  I'm not sure they all realized how unusual that opportunity is!  Then one sharp-eyed participant spied another bittern that even my dad and I…... Read more

Bitterns Saying Hello at Circle B Bar Reserve

January 7, 2011 - American Coot I saw Herman and a couple of other photographers with their cameras all pointed, so I went over to see what they saw.  They were in the same spot that I saw an American Bittern last week (at the beginning of the Marsh Rabbit Run trail, on the…... Read more