Least Sandpiper

They’re Ba-ack!

August 2, 2012 - This Least Sandpiper was molting into his breeding colors when I photographed him back in April.... Read more

Early Migrants at the Circle B Bar Reserve

September 12, 2011 - I spotted a small flock of shorebirds in the distance.  As they flew, the undersides of their wings shone silver.  I've seen that behavior before, and it was from Least Sandpipers last year.  I think these are Least Sandpipers also.... Bird Species List (33 total): Anhinga, Bald Eagle, Barn Swallow,…... Read more

A Morning of Firsts at the Click Ponds

July 30, 2011 - The cranes were in the southern pond.  We moved on to the north pond, which was covered in peeps.  They are small enough that it certainly helps to have a Beast to get good pictures.  Most of the birds were the tiny Least Sandpipers – I’m good at identifying those,…... Read more

Beautiful Morning at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

April 3, 2011 - White Ibis I spotted a small sandpiper out my window, and we both got out to photograph it.  (Unfortunately the good light was on the passenger side of the car—great for me, not so great for Dyeyo.  Besides, it felt good to stretch our legs!!)  It turned out we had…... Read more

Least Sandpiper

What’s Going On Up There?

December 17, 2010 - Bald Eagle Retracing my steps on Heron Hideout, the Spoonie was still in his pond, along with some Glossy Ibis and a juvenile Little Blue Heron.  I noticed some little guys poking around in the mud at the water's edge.  They were Least Sandpipers.  They were closer to the path…... Read more

Least Sandpiper

Beautiful Morning at Fort De Soto

November 23, 2010 - These tiny Least Sandpipers raced up and down the beach.... Least Sandpiper The Black-Bellied Plovers' winter plumage is so different than their summer colors that I saw in September.... Black-Bellied Plover https://vimeo.com/341093593 Bird List: American Goldfinch, Black and White Warbler, Black-Bellied Plover, Black-Crowned Night Heron (juvenile), Black Skimmer, Brown Pelican,…... Read more

Least Sandpiper

More Winter Birds Have Arrived at the Circle B Bar Reserve

November 12, 2010 - Great Blue Heron A small flock of Least Sandpipers flew in and joined the party.... I put on my 1.4x teleconverter and used Live View to refine the focus on this picture: Least Sandpiper I think my camera card was half full before I left Heron Hideout and turned onto…... Read more

Little Birds Galore at Circle B Bar Reserve

March 20, 2010 - There are usually least sandpipers on the waterfront on Wading Bird Way.  Finally one posed for me in nice light with a contrasting background.... Least Sandpiper We saw several soras today.  They migrate through Polk County, so you only see them for a couple of weeks each year.... Read more

Cold Birdwatching at Circle B Bar Reserve

January 31, 2010 - Laughing Gull (with fish!) We saw these little least sandpipers running along the water's edge on Wading Bird Way.  At first they were near a limpkin, and Dyeyo thought they might be baby limpkins (wouldn't that have been nice!)  It's rather deceiving, the way they posed next to the limpkin's…... Read more