Can you believe it’s October already? Seems like it was just yesterday that I was photographing baby Sandhill Cranes and newborn cygnets! And now the fall breeze is in the air and the days are getting shorter, quickly. That means it’s time for fall mums and pumpkins!

Chrysanthemums are some of my favorite flowers. They are so cheerful. They are fun to photograph in clusters.
It’s been a while since I played with RainEx droplets. I got this idea from Denise Ippolito‘s blog. You put a sheet of glass over the flowers and spray RainEx on it. That treats the glass so that water droplets will make little beads on it. Then you spray water onto the glass. Using a macro lens, you focus on the water droplets, which show the reflections of the flowers below. It’s a fun technique to play with!

For the image above, I used a small enough aperture that you can see the flower underneath the glass, as well as the reflections. I only had time to make a few images, and this one was my favorite.
I found that it was easiest to set the flowers underneath my glass table and do the RainEx on the table. Squirt approved – I did this out on our porch, and Squirt thinks that all flowers that come onto his porch are for his consumption! Only a few more weeks till his first-of-fall pansies…