Pentas in our Neighborhood

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We took a walk around the neighborhood the other night and I had to take my camera.  Our community flower beds are full of colorful pentas right now, and they call my name every time I drive by them!  The mass of colors made me want to experiment with some intentional blurs…


First I tried moving the camera in small circles with a long-ish exposure.  I got a lot of strange looks from people driving by!  I added a bit of Oil Filter and Color Efex to the resulting image and I kinda like it.

Pentas Blur
Pentas Blur

I did some zoom blurs, too, but they were a little boring.  So I started to play with the Flaming Pear Flexify filter.  I kept using random settings until I stumbled upon one that made my zoom look like a butterfly.  Then I added a touch of Fractalius and enhanced the colors a bit.  It looks nothing like the original pentas, but it was a fun little experiment!

Pentas Zoom Butterfly
Pentas Zoom Butterfly

As we walked home, the sun was setting behind our neighborhood pond.  Our weeping willow trees have always caught my attention, and with my 5D Mark III, I finally have the wide angle to try some of the shots I’ve imagined!  I wish there were more sunset vistas near our house without the clutter of houses in the background!

Sunset by the Lake
Sunset by the Lake

Fall migration is underway, and pretty soon the pond will have some ducks, I hope! :)

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