Cat Tales

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Squirt is hereby charged with aiding and abetting a hoodlum!

On Monday morning at 6 a.m. the hoodlum, one Whiskey Loopy, was apprehended in the hallway without his bell collar.  Kittens in “stealth mode” are prohibited from wandering the house, by order of Goldilocks.  Goldy hereby accuses Squirt of romping with his brother and releasing the safety collar clasp.  The collar was found concealed behind the litter box.  Never fear, the collar was  replaced before the bell-less Whiskey could surprise poor Goldy.

Squirt: Guilty of Aiding and Abetting a Hoodlum!

Squirt: Guilty of Aiding and Abetting a Hoodlum!

I like to make up little rhymes and songs about the cats.  My latest is to the tune of “Just a Spoonful of Sugar” from Mary Poppins

Just a Squirtful of Whiskey makes Goldy run away

In the most delightful way!

Squirt and Whiskey are such good buddies.  I call them “Mischief and Mayhem.”  I’m not sure which is which, but they are always together, and always up to something!

Every weekend we brush the boys and clip their nails.  The brushing is important because of their long thick fur, but they don’t enjoy being brushed — especially Squirt.  So we figured out a way to manipulate them into cooperating with us.  We feed them “twerp-sicles”, which are just frozen ham.  They nibble at the twerp-sicles while I brush them, and they are so busy purring that they hardly notice that they are being brushed!  A small bribe works wonders for silly cats.  This past weekend they realized that twerp-sicles are two-sided and can be enjoyed by two cats at once…

Two-sided Fun!

Two-sided Fun!

Miss Clock is too dignified to join in such pursuits.  She prefers to stay away from twerpy boys and hoodlums.  But she does enjoy the catnip that Rich got her for Christmas!  Here’s a video of Goldilocks enjoying her catnip.

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