Rich and I returned to North Beach at Fort De Soto on Friday morning. It was great – he dropped me off, went to get breakfast, and brought me breakfast on the beach! What a great hubby. In the meantime, I had found a couple of Laughing Gulls demonstrating courtship behaviors at the tidal pool by the concession stand. I plopped down in the sand with The Beast. Three hours later, I still hadn’t moved. It was a great morning, with all sorts of fun birds parading past me as I watched and waited.
It didn’t take long for a large flock of Black Skimmers to join the gulls at my tidal pool. The light was awesome in the early morning. I love how the water sparkles with the colors of the sunrise. The skimmers came to roost in front of me, and every so often, a Herring Gull would fly by and spook them. The entire flock would take off, circle around, and eventually return to me. It made for some fun flight shots.

I had hoped the Reddish Egret White Morph would pose for me. I have plenty of shots of his cousin Big Red, but I’ve only seen the White Morph once. Lucky for me, I was able to focus fast as he flew by…

More fun from Fort De Soto coming in tomorrow’s post…
Want to learn more about nature photography at Fort De Soto?
Check out my Fort De Soto page with more information about the location, map, website, photography tips, etc. It is archived by date so you can see my images from previous visits. Maybe you'll be inspired for your own trip!
Planning a trip to Florida? Don't miss my Central Florida Bird Photography Locations reference guide!