Yesterday I wrote about my morning at the Click Ponds. Then I drove over to the Viera Wetlands, where the ducks are starting to come back. There were plenty of coots (10054 if you listen to Kathy!!), with a few Shoveler, Hooded Mergansers, and a Bufflehead mixed in.
I should have started out at the wetlands. By the time I got there, the eagle had had his breakfast, and the Caracara had flown away. I joined some friends, teasing them about photographing the coots. Then a Great Blue Heron flew in with a frog! Mine wasn’t the only 500mm lens that was quickly focused on him. He kept leaning over to wash it off in the water before he tipped his head back for the final gulp.

Caspian Terns were perched on palms throughout the wetlands. I usually see them in flight at Circle B Bar Reserve, so it was fun to see them a little closer.

I was happy to see the Bufflehead, who has been hanging around the wetlands for the last week or so. I saw my first Bufflehead at Circle B a few weeks ago. The one came a lot closer – if only the light had been better!! Now I’m very ready to see a male Bufflehead. :)

Want to learn more about nature photography at Viera Wetlands?
Check out my Viera Wetlands page with more information about the location, map, website, photography tips, etc. It is archived by date so you can see my images from previous visits. Maybe you'll be inspired for your own trip!
Planning a trip to Florida? Don't miss my Central Florida Bird Photography Locations reference guide!