Western Kingbird

Western Kingbirds Offer Me Flight Shots

January 24, 2021 - The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher field from my last post is actually a roost for Western Kingbirds, too.... In the early 1900s, Western Kingbirds started to winter in Florida, and I'm told that this roost used to be very active.... On this particular morning, I watched three Western Kingbirds hang out on…... Read more

Western Kingbird

Good Birds and Good Friends at Lust Road

January 21, 2018 -  There have been some great flycatchers reported there recently, most them fairly rare to Central Florida: Ash-throated Flycatcher, Vermilion Flycatcher, Western Kingbird....  Western Kingbird!...  Not a lifer for me, but this was the first time I'd seen a Western Kingbird at the wildlife drive.... Read more