Field Sparrow

Sparrows and Little Birds at Oakland Nature Preserve

February 19, 2021 - Later I spotted this Field Sparrow in a tree at the edge of the trail.... Two Field Sparrows have been regular visitors to Oakland Nature Preserve for the past couple of years.... I finally spotted a Painted Bunting "greenie" in the same tree as the Field Sparrow.... Read more

Field Sparrow

“Field” Trip to Oakland Nature Preserve

January 28, 2020 - On my last trip to Oakland Nature Preserve, I got a fleeting glimpse of the Field Sparrows hanging out there for the winter.... Who can resist a "field" trip for Field Sparrows?... It took me a while to find the Field Sparrows again.... Read more

Field Sparrow

Sparrows at Oakland Nature Preserve

January 9, 2020 - I was on a quest to spot the Field Sparrows that had been reported on eBird.... Finally, as I was considering heading home, I spotted the object of my quest - two Field Sparrows who hopped out briefly into the open.... Read more