Cedar Waxwing

Robins, Waxwings, and Berries!

March 2, 2016 -  Then we noticed dozens of American Robins and Cedar Waxwings gorging themselves on the berries of the "Treasure Tree!" So we left the corn with my mom and ran to grab our cameras.... It literally took this Cedar Waxwing about thirty seconds to get that berry down his throat.... I usually…... Read more

Cedar Waxwings and Spotted Sandpiper

April 5, 2011 - Tonight we heard high-pitched calls, then looked up to see our first small flock of Cedar Waxwings.  Normally we've seen dozens of these birds by this point in the season.  This year, for some reason, we haven't seen them at all (till tonight).  It's not a great picture, but at…... Read more

Cedar Waxwing

Callaway Gardens Trip – Spring 2010

April 15, 2010 - We heard flocks of cedar waxwings high in the trees every morning and evening that we spent in the vegetable garden, but only once did one bird actually come down close enough to take his picture.... Cedar Waxwing We had a very pleasant surprise when we saw ruby-throated hummingbirds at…... Read more

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwings

March 19, 2010 - The oak tree was full of cedar waxwings this morning.... Cedar Waxwing... Read more

Cedar Waxwings

February 13, 2010 - There were hundreds of robins and cedar waxwings by the town center this morning!... Cedar Waxwing flock Cedar Waxwing close-up... Read more