After the recent cold fronts, the activity at my bird feeders has picked up considerably. I came home the other day to see a flurry of color around the millet. We had at least four male and three female Painted Buntings! I’ve been reporting my sightings over the past few years to the Painted Bunting Observer Team, a citizen science group that tracks buntings across the Carolinas to Florida. At some point it’d be really cool to have a banding team visit my yard, so that I can help track whether it’s the same birds returning year after year. It’d be especially fun to know if my juvies that turn colorful in the spring come back in the fall. :)

I switched my camera to video mode to capture the comings and goings of the birds. The video below is a little wobbly – I was hand-holding my Beast and shooting through the window. But it still shows some cool birds!