Rich and I went to Winter Park for dinner tonight, so I got some more time at the osprey nest. It was more active tonight than the last time I went. You know, you can learn a lot from a juvenile Osprey…
First of all, when your mom arrives at the nest with a fish, grab it from her!

Juvenile Osprey with Fish
Cover your food with your wings to make it harder for others to steal it from you. (Of course, if you really want to eat in peace, don’t cry to your food during the entire meal. But this Osprey hasn’t learned that yet!)

Juvenile Osprey with Fish
Eat the first few bites yourself. Then hand the fish to Mom. She’s better at cutting it up, and she’ll hand it to you in bits. How convenient!

Juvenile Osprey with Fish
When Mom screeches, it means danger is around. Flatter yourself on the nest as quickly as possible, even if you have to lie down on your fish. Wait until the disturbance passes, then resume fussing and eating.
Stretch your wings often. Even if you haven’t figured out how to fly yet, it makes you look good!

Juvenile Osprey
Want to learn more about nature photography at Winter Park Osprey Nest?
Check out my Winter Park Osprey Nest page with more information about the location, map, website, photography tips, etc. It is archived by date so you can see my images from previous visits. Maybe you'll be inspired for your own trip!
Planning a trip to Florida? Don't miss my Central Florida Bird Photography Locations reference guide!
One thought on “Lessons from an Osprey”
Love it! You learned quite a lot from your visit!
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