Goldy Got Locked in Squirt’s Room


It’s hard to do much photography at night when it’s already dark when you get home…so Rich and I resort to making up holiday parodies of songs. This one is in honor of our cats Goldilocks and Squirt, intended to be sung to the tune of “Santa got Lost in Texas” (with our apologies to Jeff Carson)…



Goldy was keeping watch one night
on Christmas Eve
when she saw a spooky sight
one you’ll never believe

All tuckered out and bone-tired weary
Rich came her way
closed the door to Squirt’s room
and left her there to stay!

Goldy got locked in Squirt’s room
and didn’t know how to leave
Goldy got locked in Squirt’s room
on Christmas Eve

She sat right down next to the door
to consider what to do
she knew she’d never sleep in there
Squirt in his sleep goes “mieu”

Rich is pretty dumb she thought
to lock me up in here
he’s pretty dumb she thought
but the key is nowhere near!

Goldy got locked in Squirt’s room
and didn’t know how to leave
Goldy got locked in Squirt’s room
on Christmas Eve

Squirt came up to her and gave her a leg hug
being cooped up is really fun, if you have a bug
curl up in my cathouse or jump onto my chair
use the litterbox or just go to sleep right there

Goldy got locked in Squirt’s room
and didn’t know how to leave
Goldy got locked in Squirt’s room
on Christmas Eve

Goldy thanked Squirt for sharing his toys
but she said she had to go, she started to make noise
you keep watch on the mice, Squirt,
and don’t let the lizards roam
I’ll send for my big sister
and she’ll let me come home

Goldy got out of Squirt’s room
her big sister let her leave
Goldy got out of Squirt’s room
on Christmas Eve!