Continuing Quest for Least Bittern Flight Shots at LAWD
August 23, 2021 - As I left, I spotted a Glossy Ibis still in breeding colors.... Read more
![]() | I’m a cousin of the common White Ibis, but my feathers are dark and glossy. Look for me in the marshes and around water. I can be quite pretty when my feathers catch the light of the sun. Most Likely Found: In the marsh When: Year-Round Where I've photographed: Circle B Bar Reserve, Lake Apopka, Lake Hancock Outfall Wetlands, Orlando Wetlands, Polk Rookery, Viera Wetlands Read more: Glossy Ibis at Cornell Lab of Ornithology Ebird: Glossy Ibis eBird range |
I have written 19 posts including a photo of a Glossy Ibis
August 23, 2021 - As I left, I spotted a Glossy Ibis still in breeding colors.... Read more
July 15, 2021 - The Glossy Ibis is another bird who glistens when you photograph him on a good sun angle.... Read more
March 24, 2019 - I still haven't found the White-faced Ibis that I see reported on eBird, but there were plenty of Glossy Ibis along the drive.... Read more
January 3, 2019 - This Glossy Ibis flew in front of me and showed off the shimmer in his wings.... Read more
December 17, 2017 - Glossy Ibis.... Read more
June 10, 2017 - If you're curious to compare the White-faced Ibis to the more familiar (in Florida) Glossy Ibis, here's a photo of the Glossy.... The Glossy Ibis in breeding colors has a blue line around his eye, where the White-faced Ibis has red and white.... Read more
June 6, 2017 - This Glossy Ibis's beak wasn't long enough.... Read more
October 25, 2016 - On our way back, the Limpkin was joined by a Glossy Ibis.... Read more
May 14, 2016 - I saw several Glossy Ibises also, still in their breeding colors.... Read more
February 28, 2016 - I saw more Glossy Ibises and Tricolored Herons on this visit than I've seen in a while.... Note to self: remember that the white near the Glossy Ibis's eye is a breeding plumage thing, not to be mistaken for a White-faced Ibis!... Read more
April 8, 2014 - We saw Great Egrets with green lores, a Tricolored Heron with a nice white plume, Snowy Egrets with lacy plumes and red lores, and this Glossy Ibis with his blue face.... Read more
April 8, 2013 - We were surprised to see a couple of Glossy Ibis at the rookery on Saturday afternoon.... Read more
April 10, 2011 - I watched a Glossy Ibis with a bad leg hopping around as he fished for his breakfast. Then I spotted another bird, who scooped up a frog as I watched. I had a great sun angle on the bird, who tossed the frog around for a few seconds before the…... Read more
April 2, 2011 - Juvenile Barred Owl There is a Red-Shouldered Hawk nest in a tree very close to the Barred Owl nest. So there were some good hawk fly-by opportunities as we stood watching the owl. I dialed in a couple of stops of exposure compensation and shot. This one was my favorite:…... Read more
January 22, 2011 - American White Pelicans (HDR) A Glossy Ibis made a tasty catch among many Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks.... Glossy Ibis with fish A King Rail has been staying in about the same spot for the last week.... River Otter Species List: American Bittern, American Coot, American Goldfinch (heard), American Robin, American White…... Read more
November 26, 2010 - Blue-Winged Teal Plenty of White and Glossy Ibises were searching for their breakfasts in the shallow water.... I caught this Glossy Ibis in the moment that he nabbed a tasty morsel...... Glossy Ibis I was excited to see these female Ring-Necked Ducks.... Read more
October 24, 2010 - Back on Heron Hideout, this Glossy Ibis posed for us.... Glossy Ibis Species list: Anhinga, American Coot, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, Black-Bellied Whistling Duck, Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, Blue-Winged Teal, Boat-Tailed Grackle, Cardinal, Carolina Wren, Common Moorhen, Common Yellowthroat, Double-Crested Cormorant, Downy Woodpecker, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Meadowlark, House Wren, Glossy Ibis, Gray…... Read more
October 10, 2010 - Prairie Warbler As we walked over one of the culverts on Heron Hideout, we saw the usual Tricolored Heron and Snowy Egret, plus this Glossy Ibis.... I think this was the closest I've ever gotten to a Glossy Ibis before.... He was badly backlit by the rising sun, but I…... Read more
June 13, 2010 - There was a Glossy Ibis nicely lit by the rising sun. I haven't many good Glossy Ibis pictures, and this one definitely shows off the "glossy" part.... Glossy Ibis Dyeyo and I almost walked by the Purple Gallinule nest. I looked back and saw one of the adults, then noticed…... Read more