Black Tern

Black Tern and Baby Black-necked Stilts at LAWD

June 29, 2021 - A Black Tern had been hanging out at Laughlin and Intersector.... A Black Tern this far inland was a fun find.... I added the 2x teleconverter to my Beast, then laughed as I saw the Black Tern flying near a pair of Forster's Terns and bothering them.... Read more

Quiet Morning at MINWR

September 2, 2011 - So after the sun was up, I tried to find some birds.  A couple of Barn Swallows and terns passed over my head periodically while I was standing on Gator Creek Road, but they were the only birds I saw there.  I'd read earlier this week on Birdbrains how there…... Read more

A Morning of Firsts at the Click Ponds

July 30, 2011 - I saw several birds for the first time this morning at the Click Ponds: two Wilson’s Phalaropes, Black Terns, Stilt Sandpipers, and a Semipalmated Sandpiper.  It was a fun morning to be out!... Most of the birds are at the far western end of the ponds.  So I hiked up…... Read more