Bay-breasted Warbler

April Showers Bring…May Migrants!

May 7, 2017 - A male Bay-breasted Warbler, a Prothonotary Warbler (not photographed), some female Yellow Warblers, and this Tennessee Warbler were my best warblers at the East Beach road....  Several female Bay-breasted Warblers were feasting on the fruit....  Bay-breasted Warblers are rare at Fort De Soto, and I'd only ever seen one before.... Read more

Bay-breasted Warbler

More Migrant Songbirds at Fort De Soto

May 5, 2014 - The best bird of the day was the Bay-breasted Warbler, who made a brief appearance in the privet near the fountain....  The Bay-breasted Warbler winters in Cuba and the very northern tip of South America....  Like the Bay-breasted Warbler, he's on his way to Canada to nest.... Read more