2016 in Review

2016: Photographic Year in Review

December 31, 2016 -  I've witnessed the first days of a Sandhill Crane colt, the early explorations of a Barred Owl chick, and the tender gestures of avian courtship.... Barred Owlet at Circle B At our local Circle B Bar Reserve, the Barred Owls nested in a tree close to a major trail, and…... Read more

Barred Owl

Learning to Climb – Barred Owlet

April 11, 2016 -  A pair of Barred Owls nested in a tree right off one of the main hiking paths....  When the Barred owlets emerged from their nesting cavity, they immediately became some of the most photographed birds at the reserve.... When I arrived, one of the two Barred Owlets was high in…... Read more

The Fellowship of the Nest

March 3, 2012 - I didn't hike all the way up Marsh Rabbit Run after spending some time watching the cranes.  Instead I doubled back and hiked the Alligator Alley trail.  There's a spot along that trail where the trail bends away from the marsh towards the lake.  That little corner is what I…... Read more

Expect the Unexpected at the Circle B Bar Reserve

September 17, 2011 - I left the dock after the sunrise.  With the fog, there wasn't enough light to remain and photograph the flyby herons and egrets.  So I headed down the Alligator Alley trail in hopes of finding some migrant warblers.  I had taken about ten steps when I spotted this Barred Owl…... Read more

The Newest Celebrity at the Circle B Bar Reserve

April 2, 2011 - Purple Gallinule Our second goal of the morning was to show Michael the juvenile Barred Owl.  So we turned down the Alligator Alley trail.  We were greeted by a pair of Red-Bellied Woodpeckers doing a "changing of the guard" at a nest hole.  I'll have to keep an eye out…... Read more

Foggy but Interesting Morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve

March 27, 2011 - American Bittern We found the Barred Owl's nest area filled with photographers, who graciously let us squeeze into the "sweet spot" for viewing the nest.  Somebody remarked that we were packed more tightly than in Herman's boat!  This nest is a bit challenging to photograph, as there is a lot…... Read more

March Photo Walk at the Circle B Bar Reserve

March 26, 2011 - At first we didn't see many birds...some cardinals, a few warblers, the usual herons and egrets along the lake trail.  A raccoon was posed nicely in the top of a tree, proving us with a nice photo op.  I got there after he hid behind some leaves, so I only…... Read more

Frogs and Snakes for Breakfast at the Circle B Bar Reserve

March 4, 2011 - Belted Kingfisher A nice man passed and asked if I knew where the Barred Owl nest is.  Nope!  But I do now.... Barred Owl Nest I've been reading on Birdbrains that the Northern Parulas have started to sing, so I was excited when I realized that I was hearing one…... Read more

Rainy Morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve

August 8, 2010 - Sunrise over Lake Hancock We did not see the Barred Owls in their usual tree at the end of the dock.  As a matter of fact, we walked a long way before we even took our first pictures.  The rain yesterday and the cloudcover today kept the birds from their…... Read more

Lots of Green Herons at the Circle B Bar Reserve this Morning

July 25, 2010 - Barred Owl Our favorite Marsh Rabbit Run trail is still closed, due to the alligator nests right up on the trail.  The signs say that the trail might re-open at the end of August.  In the meantime, we're spending more time on the Shady Oak and Alligator Alley trails.  This…... Read more

Slow Morning at Circle B Bar Reserve

June 6, 2010 - Baby Armadillo As we walked past a clump of big old oak trees, all of a sudden I realized I was being watched, by a big Barred Owl sitting out on a branch in front, just a few feet away.  He flew before I could get his picture, and I…... Read more