Sharp-shinned hawk

Posted Posted in Backyard photography

Yesterday another hawk visited the yard. I heard a rustle of feathers and went outside to make sure the cats didn’t get too excited. Then I saw the hawk sitting on top of my big bird feeder, acting as if he owned the yard! I fussed at him to leave my birds alone, and he gave me this look as if to say “yeah right.” Since I couldn’t make him leave, I at least got this picture of him (after he retreated to my neighbor’s roof, much to our birds’ relief). At least now my picture is clear enough to identify him — he’s a Sharp-shinned hawk — and he only winters in Florida, so hopefully soon he’ll be far far away.

Sharp-shinned hawk

Sharp-shinned hawk

‘Yangtze’ daylily

Posted Posted in Backyard photography

I think I pulled enough grass for the next three months of garden craze, all in this one weekend! The side yard by the patio is now all mulched in, with a small bed of zinnias to line the stepping stones to the side yard. I added a bed in the front of the house around the utility pipes, to make it easier for Rich to mow (and to plant more flowers!) Plus I started the side yard…I planted two small holly trees to attract birds (you’re welcome, Bobby the Mockingbird!) Look for pictures of the new beds under the Garden Craze site.

Here’s one of the new plants, my first daylily! (Wendy will be so proud…) It’s name is ‘Yangtze’ and it already bloomed for me…

'Yangtze' daylily

'Yangtze' daylily